Employee financial wellness made easy

Incorporate financial wellness into your employee benefits strategy so you can start reaping the rewards of a happier, more productive workforce, increased retention and attracting more top talent.


The essential perk for a happier, healthier, wealthier workforce.


Employee money worries are costing employers £120bn each year

1 in 8

1 in 8 Employees in the UK in working poverty, leading to lowered productivity and higher levels of employee stress and sickness


Financially stressed employees are twice as likely to be looking for a role elsewhere

Our MultiBuy Plan makes it easy for businesses to incorporate financial wellness into their employer strategy, and reap the benefits.

Employers can now bulk purchase access licences to our award-winning financial wellness consumer app.

We’ll set you up with a dedicated sign up page, onboarding journey and sub-tenant on our admin portal to access top-level data for your users. We can lightly co-brand the app itself and deploy dedicated sign up journeys to ensure consistency of brand experience.

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Investing in your employees’ financial health can cost as little as 1.5p per day per employee

"We are delighted to offer our customers free access to Moneyhub's award-winning financial management app, enabling a simple and effective way to better understand and manage their finances... This… underscores our ongoing commitment to supporting young people navigate a challenging economic environment.”

Scott Currie, Head of VOXI


About the app

The Moneyhub app gives people unrivalled clarity over their financial world by offering them a clear 360° view of their finances.

Employees can connect bank accounts, credit cards, savings, pensions, investments, mortgages, assets and more. It provides personalised savings suggestions, offers and relevant services linked to the individual’s life stage and circumstances.


of Moneyhub users told us that after 3 months of using our app, they felt they had better control of their finances.

Why people use Moneyhub


Don’t miss out
Help your employees improve their financial health and you’ll get:

But there are huge business benefits to delivering financial wellness to your employees:

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Increased retention

60% of employees are more likely to stick with an employer that offers a financial wellness programme.


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Engaged, healthier, and more productive employees

83% of employers noticed an improvement in worker performance and 81% noted increased employee satisfaction.


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More top talent

76% of jobseekers are more attracted to employers they perceive to care more about their financial wellbeing.


Benefits to your employees:

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Unified Financial Dashboard

See their whole financial universe in one place

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Smart Money Management

Money management - understand where their money goes, and where changes can be made to improve financial health

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Personalised Budgeting Tools

Set personalised budgets and stay on track, create new spending habits and align to objectives of clearing debt, saving for events, and planning for the future

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Extensive UK Connections

Wide range of connections available in the UK, including Zoopla, and Rent Recognition with Experian

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Secure Financial Platform

Bank-level authentication and robust security measures keeping information safe at all times

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A Solution that Really Works

BAfter 3 months of using our app, 84% users say they feel they have better control of their finances and 70% say they feel they've got better at saving and/or investing

Trusted by
vodafone Logo Mercer Logo samsung Logo Nationwide logo Lumio standard life Open Money Logo TBE logo AON Logo Onebanks Logo loqbox Logo scottish widdow Logo tappo Logo