5 Ways to Raise Your Income

If you're looking to give your income a boost, you've come to the right place! We've put together five fantastic tips to help you do just that. Whether you're saving up for a vacation in paradise or aiming to pad your savings, these tips are all about making your money work harder for you. So, let's jump right in and get those pounds rolling!

Rent out your parking space
Do you have a spare parking space near the city center, hospital, airport, or arena? If so, you could be in luck! Renting out your driveway can earn you some extra cash.  People are willing to pay more to park closer to events and avoid crowded multistory car parks. Opening up your driveway for a big football game or concert is a surefire way to make some extra money. Check out online platforms like Rent Your Parking Space for more information.

Hospital staff often struggle to find free parking, so offering them a discounted rate can benefit both of you.

Ditch the disks 

We all know someone with a bookcase full of old CDs, DVDs, and games that haven't been touched in years! Gather them up and check out online trade-in sites or visit your local store for an evaluation.

Keep in mind, the amount each site offers can vary a lot, so it's smart to compare prices on several platforms. Some sites also have a minimum number of items or a total value you need to meet. If you're selling lower-value items like CDs, you might need to collect more to reach the required amount.

Not only will this clear up space in your home, but it will also add some extra cash to your savings for a rainy day!

Credit Card rewards & cashback 

Cashback credit cards give you a percentage back on your purchases each time you use them. By setting up a direct debit to pay off your balance in full every month, you can avoid interest charges and potentially earn hundreds of pounds each year. If you feel comfortable and responsible enough, use the card for all your routine spending to maximise your rewards.

Reclaim for train delays

We are all too aware of how common delays and service faults are on our railways. They are frustrating and often leave you wishing you drove or got the bus. However, it's possible to claim for a delay if you know your rights. 

There are a few ways in which you can reclaim for your train. The National Rail offer refunds, compensation or delay repay. If you decided to get a taxi or bus instead of your scheduled journey on the train, you can claim on your unused ticket for a full refund. 

If your train was cancelled or arrived late to your destination, you can claim compensation.. Or, if you are delayed for any reason when you travel on a participating National Rail service you can claim Delay Repay.

Do you wear a uniform for work?

You might qualify to claim hundreds of pounds for up to five years of expenses if you've had to wash, replace, or repair your uniform. Whether you work at a local hardware store in a logo T-shirt or work in fast food, the police force, or a hospital in a full uniform, you may be eligible. Visit the Gov UK website for more information on Uniform Tax.

We hope we’ve covered some topics that you might not have thought of, and we hope they help you get back some all important cash to top up your savings, pay off some debt or just to treat yourself for all your hard work.

Let us know over on our socials if any of these were helpful to you!