Wealth Management & The Retirement Income Advice Review

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The FCA is asking financial advice firms to review their processes when providing retirement income advice following the findings from a thematic review.

Its message is clear - that anyone providing and charging for financial advice has to provide demonstrable evidence of not just the recommendation but the process involved in making those recommendations.

The FCA is ordering this review against the backdrop of Consumer Duty and the Advice Guidance Boundary Review, reinforcing pressures on advisers to review practices, evidence and act in the best interests of the client.

Catch up on this session which explores the impact of the Retirement Income Review and wider pressures on the wealth market, along with practical ways advisers can capitalise on data and meet FCA expectations moving forward.

Meet the speakers

Natalie Oliver - Head of Strategy - WPS Advisory

John Parker - Pensions & Wealth - Moneyhub

Kim Jenkins - Managing Director, API- Moneyhub